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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Veggie Tales

I have only recently discovered Veggie Tales. How can this be? I cannot recommend them enough. If you are going to let your children watch television, you can't go wrong on produce with principles.


StBlog said...

Heck, I'd recommend Veggie Tales to adults!!! They're very entertaining (or is it just that I'm a little simple minded?). Oh well, they're great for just about anyone. +JMJ+ John

AnchorMama said...

We've been enjoying Veggie Tales for ages. Ask your oldest if he remembers watching them with us, while your youngest was making his his big arrival.

MAB said...

Yes, Muddy Mama. Arch reminds me that he told me Veggie Tales were good years ago! And that your house was where he first saw them! I have no idea why we never watched them here before!